The Natural Law of COMPENSATION

Do good, get results.

Of course, I have “favorite” Natural Laws.  This happens to be one of those because of the results I have seen from using it in my own life.  This law reminds us that in nature what we do comes back to serve us in some way later on.

The more & more we help people achieve their goals, the more we will find our own goals achieved.

Here’s how it’s worked for me.  Each week, I build time into my schedule to “connect” others.  I don’t know what these others can do for me or if they even can do anything for me. That’s not the point, though.  The point is that I have a wide network of people who could benefit from knowing each other.  I take the time to connect them for no other reason than watching someone else get what they want or need.

What happens, though, is that we tend to be “compensated” in some way for helping others.

I will find myself with the connection, advice, money, strategy, relationship, etc., that I need later on to achieve my own goals.  That’s how the law of compensation works.  You don’t help other people just to get things in return – but the more you “do good” for others, it’s bound to come back to you in some way, shape, or form later on.  Spend time helping others and you’ll find yourself getting more of what you want.

Do you want to get more of what you want?

Use the Natural Law of COMPENSATION to guide your week. Are you laser focused on yourself and your goals? Or do you take time to get to know the goals of those around you? Are you lending a hand when you can to help others succeed or just looking out for your own success? The more you look out for the success of others, the more others will look out for the success of YOU. As always, shoot me an email at to share your stories using the Natural Law of Compensation.  For more information on Natural Laws, visit




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