What’s the winning combination?

Have you ever been in a critical meeting and knew you had a “logically sound” pitch, but no one “bought” what you were sellin’? As we have mentioned before, no matter what you “do” you are in the business of selling something! Whether it’s a concept or something tangible…

You’re trying to get others to “buy” what you are sellin’!

Well, the reason behind the “fail” might not be a lack of explanation or logic on your part.  In fact, you might have presented a bullet-proof argument.  Then why did no one “buy” it? For that answer we defer to the Natural Law of Emotion… 

People “buy” with emotion, and then justify with logic.

It’s likely that you didn’t connect to the emotion of your target, so no matter how sound your pitch seemed, it wasn’t going to stick.  Don’t go eliminating logic from your pitch or future conversations, though! Instead, think first about how you can appeal to emotion, so you have your target hooked.  Then, provide the logic that they need to explain their decision to themselves and others after.  Emotion + logic is a deadly combination for getting more of what you want, and helping others do the same!

Emotion + Logic is a deadly combination for getting more of what you want, and helping others do the same!

This week, think of ways to bring emotion into your conversations when you are trying to “sell” someone on something, and then top it off with logic.  We bet you’ll see results. Use the Natural Law of Emotion not just to guide your week but to guide your life.  As always, shoot me an email at to share your stories using the Natural Law of Emotion.  For more information on Natural Laws, visit




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