Session 4: Glue

By: Matt

The final session is the GLUE to the system. At the completion of our TYT program, attendees clearly see their position in your organization as a perfect vehicle to live the life they want to live. At this point, attendees are able to take all that we teach and start seeing that they can live […]

Session 3: Power

By: Matt

This is our POWER session. Now that they have a foundation and a plan to achieve their goals, attendees can fully develop themselves and access their maximum power. This is where we unlock employees interpersonal strengths and teach them how to leverage these strengths to get more out of the life they have.

Session 2: Achieve

By: Matt

Setting goals is something you can read in a book. So in our second TYT session, we dive into how to ACHIEVE goals both inside and outside of the workplace. We offer proven exercises & techniques that can be done to increase the likelihood of achieving any goals your employees set together or individually.

Session 1: Foundation

By: Matt

The FOUNDATION session is key to successfully implementing any system in your organization. After this program, your team will have a structure to be more intentional in all areas of their life, waste less time, and get more done with the time they have.

Currently all training events are sold out – Please contact us to apply/register for your training

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