Everyone has goals that hit a plateau or some sort of waiting point. Remember that you are not getting weaker in the waiting. This is an active position or a point where you need to be at. However, you will not be stuck at that point! You will be going to the point you want to eventually be at, in the right timing.

This is an inevitable part of reaching something extraordinary or just simply reaching your goals. When you reach this point, it is important that you have people around you to support you. It may be a colleague, spouse, friend, family member, or a coach to remind you of your goals and to keep moving forward.

Develop a growth mindset while staying in your plan. With a growth mindset, people focus on improvement instead of worrying about how smart they are. They work hard to learn more and get smarter. A “growth mindset,” thrives on challenge and sees failure not as evidence of unintelligence, but as a springboard for growth – stretching our existing abilities. In this way, you’ll need to revise some of your action items in attaining your goal. 

When you reach this point, sometimes the way to make a breakthrough is by actually taking a break to wait. Most often, by taking a break and waiting, we are allowing our brain to go to work in the background and integrate all the learnings. In this timing, you can better strategize your next step. What is so beautiful in the waiting is being able to be in the moment. You can use this time as inspirational evidence that things are working. This will also be an opportunity to optimize your plan and become stronger.

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