Emotions are a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others. They are real, but they don’t always reflect reality. We have to distinguish our emotions from reality. Our emotions or feelings are triggered by situations or circumstances. The situation that you are currently in is your reality.

Dealing with these two might not be in the same way. You have to deal with your emotions properly. You have to know that your emotions and feelings are valid. You don’t need to question whether you should feel a certain way or not. But you have to examine whether the thoughts you have around the feeling are based in reality.

Focus on the situation. Take a step back and check out the evidence. Also, take a moment to acknowledge the feeling. However, look at the facts. Formulate solutions based on facts that are based on emotions.

We tend to put ourselves under so much pressure to feel good. But it is okay to feel bad because feelings are real but they aren’t reality. You have to deal with your feelings and your reality separately.

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