I am so excited to speak with you! 

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“His energy and passion for sharing his material with us were evident.  Matt presents his program in simple, easy-to-follow terms and breaks down the action steps we need to follow to sustain motivation in ourselves and our organizations.”

– Mark Utech, Elevate Development

I’m thrilled to be joining you to teach these foundational systems. I want to clarify that my aim is not to add more to your workload; it’s quite the opposite. Our goal is to help you maximize your results while minimizing burnout. 

Imagine if we could reignite our intention every day as we work towards our goals. This approach can lead to achieving more in less time and enable us to design the life we desire. This concept applies to both personal and professional aspects of life. Ensure you and your team are available to experience this powerful blend of intention and structure for achieving outstanding results.

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Do Your Own Research – See What We Do

Through a combination of structure intention, Life Pulse helps clients like you – rise to the challenge, retain your people, and sustainably increase performance regardless of circumstance.

Your battle during this “New Way of Operating” is internal. Your personnel will be the cause of you to effectively thrivebarley survive, or massively fail.

The way your team will think about receiving offers, being poached, and resignation is determined by what you do now.

Burnout is eminent without connecting corporate desired goals & individuals desired lifestyles.

Your competitors will experience similar external issues. It is clear – those who will rise up, are the ones with both internal structure intention that empowers their team through growth & change. Let our team help your team with this & more!

Some of Our Top Clients:

Click Below To Get To Know Us Before We Show Up





About The Speaker – Matt Granados

“Matt presented an essential life skill that has eluded me most of my life. The method is so natural and provides the opportunity for one to organize the chaos in a concise and simple way, then choose how best to execute while remaining in alignment with who I am, what’s important and adjusting the dance of balance.” – Austin Birch, Co-Founder Adventure Links

Matt Granados is a renowned expert in optimizing human potential. As the founder of Life Pulse Inc, his global interactions with individuals and companies have unveiled a fundamental truth: humans have internal problems and need to be equipped with an external solution to unleash their full capabilities. Life Pulse offers sustainable solutions that empower individuals and businesses to bridge performance gaps effectively.


From a young age, Matt ventured into entrepreneurship, achieving his first multi-million-dollar business at in his early 20’s. Along the way, he recognized the importance of nurturing his team. Through ingenuity, he transformed a Craigslist-hired group into an immensely productive and motivated $40 million sales organization, blending structure and intention.


Matt is a two-time #1 International Bestselling author (Motivate the Unmotivated & The Intentional Week), acclaimed for his insights into cultivating motivation and intentional growth in teams and individuals. His expertise extends to guiding groups towards holistic success across various spheres of business and life.


Amidst his accomplishments, Matt values family above all. He demonstrates that achieving goals and success doesn’t require sacrificing family happiness. Matt’s teachings empower audiences to attain the highest levels of achievement without regrets, making his events transformative and impactful.

The Importance Of Doing Good

A portion of this event goes directly to the Take Part Foundation (

Take Part is a project based funding 501(C)(3), where we help to fund doctors and researchers with great ideas, but get very little funding. With the help of many generous donations, we have been able to speed up research and help some of the over 30 MILLION kids with a rare disease who were also told…”just wait.” 

Please feel free to share Take Part’s website to anyone you feel could help or benefit from what their mission is and if you know of anyone with a pediatric rare condition… they can create a Warrior Profile at no charge today.

Currently all training events are sold out – Please contact us to apply/register for your training

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