Digital Version of LP

Unlimited Access to LP Weekly Spread

Buy Now - $49.99

Individual LP

Grab the plan that will TRANSFORM your productivity in just one short week! In fact, we made it in a quarterly edition so that you could you see how much can get done in only 3 months. We guarantee that you’ll experience increased productivity if you use this entire planner – in fact, we will even refund your purchase completely if you don’t. Just return it to us with every page filled out and we’ll send you your money back. A planner with a guarantee? I don’t know what you’re waiting for!

Buy Now - $19.99

4 Pack - 1 Year Bundle

If you want to grab a year’s worth of the Official LP at the lowest price then this option is for you! You can snag a whole year’s worth of planning just for yourself OR gift one to friends, family, co-workers, and more. Keep one for yourself and pass the rest out to your brand new accountability partners. No matter how you use ’em, choose this option if you want a good deal!

Buy Now - $69.99 (12% Savings)

10 Pack - Team Bundle

We know that the LP is being seen as the most impactful productivity system in group and team productivity. Because of that, we have been asked to offer a bulk order product in order to save on shipping. On top of saving almost $100 on shipping all 10 individually, we also took 20% off EACH PLANNER.

Buy Now - $159.90

Currently all training events are sold out – Please contact us to apply/register for your training

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