How Can Planning NOT be Boring?
Dear Attendee,
My name is Matt Granados and I will be coming to your organization so I would like to fill you in on what you can expect.
First things first, I value your time so I can promise you that when you attend this event, your time will not be wasted. I value your time so much that if you do not feel like reading anymore, I’ve added videos below that you can scroll down and watch on your own.
This letter is written to make it simple and easy for you to understand why you will benefit from attending this event.  I hate when I go to an event with little understanding of what I am getting myself into. Because of that, I want to personally walk you through just a couple quick videos that will help you better understand what you can expect at this event.
Now some history of the LP system and who I am.  I probably could relate to you if you ever felt overwhelmed with ALL the things you have to do during a busy season of your life. As an entrepreneur, my wife asked if I could share with her how I organized my this chaos that I called life. I showed her the system I’ve been using and developing for over a decade so we both could start using it together.
By using this system, in just 18 months, while running 3 businesses and a non-profit, we were able to get married, have a baby, start a new business, buy a house, renovate that house, sell that house, buy another house, move into that house and on top of that, I decided to train, run, and complete an Ironman.
Needless to say, we were busy but by using this system we were able to do ALL of this while living a balanced life and enjoying ALL that we experienced in that short period of time.
Well, people started seeing what we were doing and asked, “How did you do all of that and NOT go crazy?” When I showed them the system, they asked if they could buy it and THAT is how the business started.
How it grew is even wilder…
As our friends, family, and employees started using this system, the results were incredible. So much so that in our business, we were able to create a $30 Million sales organization based on the strategies we will share with you. As users of the LP system started to see massive results in all areas of their lives, businesses and organizations started contacting us, asking us to come in to teach this LP System to their team.
We’ve worked with organizations as small as startups and non-profits, all the way to fortune 500 companies and international organizations.
I am not writing you this letter to brag but I am writing you this letter again, to let you know that your time spent at this event, if you chose to come and chose to listen, will not only benefit you, but the results of what you will learn will also benefit those who you come in contact with.
Also, if you don’t like it, I will be there and you can personally come and tell me that you didn’t like it. I always love feedback 🙂
Normally letters don’t have videos but do me a favor and go through these short videos below. Not a SINGLE one is over 2 minutes and by watching them, you should be able to easily see some of the value you will be getting by attending this event. These are just a SMALL taste of some of the things we will discuss at the event.
Thanks and I am excited to share this info with you,
Matt Granados
P.S. If you don’t already, follow us on social media to the left of the screen.
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