Intention Keynote

Increase Capacity While Minimizing Burnout

“Matt’s simple approach allows me to make the most out of each week.  I have felt like I was spinning my wheels and when I finally realized there was a simple and fast way to plan each week, its like the car started moving.  Since I implemented what was taught, it is like all areas of my life have experienced a new level I didn’t know could exist.  Both professional and personal growth at the same time is more than I can ask for…especially because it seems life is easier now that I have a solution.  What an enjoyable event with continuous value for each week that follows! 

Brenda Sumerton – Miami, FL.

We Limit Our Talks Each Year. Please message submit your email to receive a full write-up for our keynotes and confirm availability for your event

    Based on #1 International Best Seller

    This program, “Building Your Intentional Week,” helps individuals and organizations increase capacity while minimizing burnout by teaching ways to bridge the gap and properly equip people with the LP Architecture in important areas of their lives. Attendees will learn to connect every task to purpose, achieve maximum output for each 24-hour day, eliminate excuses and overwhelm, experience simple work-life integration, and gain an extra 15 hours of productivity each week. This program is suitable for individuals at any level in any industry and does not require any prerequisites.


    Connect every task to purpose for maximum effectiveness.

    Best manage your priorities and achieve maximize output for each 24-hour day.

    Eliminate the excuse and overwhelm that comes from feeling like there’s “not enough time”.

    Experience simple work life integration.

    Gain 15 Hours a week and finally have the time to do the things you WANT.

    Do Your Own Research – See what we do​

    Through a combination of structure intention, Life Pulse helps clients like you – rise to the challenge, retain your people, and sustainably increase performance regardless of circumstance.

    Your battle during this “New Way of Operating” is internal. Your personnel will be the cause of you to effectively thrivebarley survive, or massively fail.

    The way your team will think about receiving offers, being poached, and resignation is determined by what you do now.

    Burnout is eminent without connecting corporate desired goals & individuals desired lifestyles.

    Your competitors will experience similar external issues. It is clear – those who will rise up, are the ones with both internal structure intention that empowers their team through growth & change. Let our team help your team with this & more!

    Some of Our Top Clients:

    Click Below to Get To Know Us Before We Show Up





    About The Speaker - Matt Granados

    “Matt presented an essential life skill that has eluded me most of my life. The method is so natural and provides the opportunity for one to organize the chaos in a concise and simple way, then choose how best to execute while remaining in alignment with who I am, what’s important and adjusting the dance of balance.”

     – Austin Birch, Co-Founder Adventure Links

    Matt Granados has been an entrepreneur since he was a teenager. Through his entrepreneurial journey, he built his first million-dollar business by the age of 24. To develop his businesses, Matt focused on developing his people. While creating a $40 Million dollar sales organization from individuals hired primarily from craigslist, Matt created a way to combine structure and intention which allow his “under-qualified” team to be the most effective, productive, and self-motivated versions of themselves.

    This system was discovered by one of the largest financial institutions in the world who asked Matt to share it with their team as they felt it solved their biggest personal problem. They were finding it nearly impossible to connect their corporate desired metrics with their individuals’ desired goals. In their eyes, Life Pulse’s workshops and keynotes do just that.

    Although Matt has done this in multiple businesses of his own, it wasn’t until this meeting that he recognized that the systems developed by Life Pulse could be used by individuals in businesses of all sizes. Since Matt created Life Pulse Inc, the team and systems have worked with individuals and small businesses to the likes of Twitter, Google, and the United States Airforce.

    Matt has authored two #1 International Bestsellers (Motivate the Unmotivated & The Intentional Week) which has launched Matt to be a sought-after expert on the ways of building sustainable motivation in teams and individuals as well as teaching groups on how to experience intentional growth in all areas of business and life.

    Matt is going to be sharing with us a combination of Life Pulse’s most impactful systems and techniques that has shown to increase performance even in times of uncertainty. With the new year coming closer and closer the timing could not be more perfect. There is a lot we need to make up for in 2021 that we lost in 2020. This combination of intention and structure will be what will help you, your family, and your business is on the right track as the new year starts.

    When you increase performance while minimizing stress you are able to achieve bigger goals in less time. You will be able to achieve more with what seems like less effort. It is all connected and leads from one to the other.

    The Importance of Doing Good

    A portion of this event goes directly to 

    the Take Part Foundation (

    We feel very strongly that all things we do, should lead to Good. In our business (our world) we consider “good” to be thing that leads to growth and “bad” to be things that lead to decay. Take Part is definitely something that leads to growth.

    My wife and I started Take Part when we were told by doctors that there was nothing we could do about our daughters “ultra rare” (17th person in history) diagnosis of a genetic mutation. This diagnosis lead to her inability to use her muscles fully, and she now uses a wheelchair to get around. “Just waiting” for something different to happen was not an option my wife and I were willing to do. So, we started Take Part in order to help other families ‘Fight For Possible’.  

    We are a project based funding 501(C)(3), where we help to fund doctors and researchers with great ideas, but get very little funding. With the help of many generous donations, we have been able to speed up research and help some of the over 30 MILLION kids with a rare disease who were also told…”just wait”. 

    Please feel free to share Take Part’s website to anyone you feel could help or benefit from what their mission is and if you know of anyone with a pediatric rare condition… they can create a Warrior Profile at no charge today

    Currently all training events are sold out – Please contact us to apply/register for your training

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