What if you could set goals that are not only achievable, but also meaningful and fulfilling? Goals that align with your core values and help you bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be? That’s what value-based gap goals are all about!

Value-based gap goals are different from traditional goal-setting methods, because they focus on the value you create and the outcome you desire, not just the actions you take. They help you stay motivated and overcome challenges by connecting your goals to your purpose and passion. They also create a positive feedback loop that keeps you engaged and energized every day.

If you want to learn how to create value-based gap goals for yourself or your team, watch the video above and follow the steps below. You’ll discover how to align your goals with your core values and achieve true fulfillment in your personal and professional life.

Ready to get started? Fill out this form below to the best of your ability. It will give you the pieces needed to create your Value-Based Gap Goal.

If you are working through our 90-Day Goal rush or directly with one of our certified LP Architects, you will be able to connect with them on the next steps.   If you have any interest in assistance through our 90-Day Goal rush, reach out to info@LifePulseInc.com, so we can best connect you with who would be the best Architect for you and your success.

As you build out your VBGG – You are going to be asked for your Core Values. Click here if you need help with a list of Core Values you can choose from.

If you are doing this on your cell phone or tablet, some find it easier to click here and go directly to the form.


Currently all training events are sold out – Please contact us to apply/register for your training

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