All big things come from small beginnings. Each and every successful business or individual comes from small beginnings. Ariana Grande started when she was 13 and slowly rose to fame and became a big name in the music industry. Becoming big usually starts from a dream, so dream big and aim high.

To achieve those big dreams you have to start taking action. Small and intentional steps towards your goal. It doesn’t matter if you are starting small. Bear in mind that big things come from small beginnings. The important thing is you keep moving forward.

No matter how small you start or how slow you’re moving, you’ll eventually get there. Be patient and keep the enthusiasm. There is no such thing as overnight success. Do not worry if you are small now, as long as you are progressing. One day you will get there. You will have the success that you want. You can also be big but do not forget where you came from.

Dream big, start small, and start now.

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