Are you one of the few?
Have you ever wondered why we follow the advice of “gurus” – you know, the Tony Robbins-wanan-be’s who seem to have access to the knowledge that takes you from ordinary to extraordinary? I think it’s because we see few people in the world with those seemingly successful results and we want a piece of that lifstyle for ourselves!
After all, people MOST want what only few can get.
It’s why those “gurus” continue to make money on events, books, and more. They know that MOST people will NOT act on the lessons they teach them and will remain “searching” for the “golden ticket”. And so people still remain wanting what these gurus claim they have…
We challenge you to look at this differently this week.
We don’t want you to use people to sell them a dream they likely won’t get. That’s not the point. We want you to think about the few people you know who really have the success you want, not just claim to have it. No smoke and mirrors. Then ask yourself, “What are they doing differently than others who seem to want the same things but can’t get there?” Look at the success of the systems and principles followed in their life. Start there. Take steps based on people who AUTHENTICALLY live out what you want and…
You’ll find yourself getting more of what most people want but only few can get.
Use the Natural Law of Exclusivity not just to guide your week but to guide your life. As always, shoot me an email at to share your stories using the Natural Law of Exclusivity. For more information on Natural Laws, visit