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inally, a book that gives you applicable, implementable techniques for how to boost motivation in all areas of your life—as well as the lives of others.

You know “what” you should do in order to motivate yourself and others. So why don’t you do it?  No one has ever systemized the “How” to what you already know you should do.


To experience consistent results in ourselves and others we need to do one thing: connect actions to outcomes before they are experienced. It’s the value that is recognized when this happens that drives our behaviors and ensures our continued investment in a task or project. Most unmotivated people would never say they are lazy and it turns out most simply lack awareness of the relationship between their actions and their desired ends—and sometimes, they aren’t even sure what it is they value. In order to motivate the unmotivated—whether that’s ourselves, others, or both—we need to strengthen the synapse between actions and outcomes.


The main character of this book is you and the supporting character is anyone in your life that you would like to motivate.  To make it easier we will introduce you to a character we call Unmo.  


We all have an Unmo in our life that we would love to see be a bit more motivated.  This book was written to show you how as a “how-to” book. This is for the motivator who has someone in their life that they are looking to help. This is not for someone trying to manipulate someone to do what they want (although this system can do that). We have found that the biggest take away from the system and techniques taught in this book is how it helps in ANY relationship. 

Motive The Unmotivated

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